Privacy Policy

Who are we?

We are the PlanetK2 Group, comprising of the following brands: PlanetK2, The Performance Room (TPR), Believe Perform and The Chika Collective.

The ICO Registration Number for K2 Performance Systems is ZB411760,  BelievePerform is ZB411763 and The Chika Collective is ZB721984.

Our Data Protection Lead can be reached by emailing

PlanetK2 Group plays a dual role when it comes to processing.  In some situations, we act as Controller, in others, we are the Processor.  In circumstances where we are just a Processor of personal data, we are doing so purely on the instruction of another company, our client, who is likely to be your employer or your educational establishment. If you have questions about the way we process your data in these circumstances, you should contact them directly.

We are a Controller of the data for potential and existing employees, clients, suppliers, and website users.

Being a Controller means that we are trusted to look after and deal with your personal information in accordance with data protection laws.  We determine the ways and means of processing your data and must therefore be accountable for it.

This privacy notice refers to the data we process as Controller only.

Technical and Operational Security

All data is password protected, access controlled, backed up securely and encrypted when appropriate.

All employees are trained in data protection and are aware of their obligations to ensure the privacy of all data subjects.

Data Privacy by Design and Default is an integral part of our development processes.

Your Rights

As a data subject, you have a number of rights over your personal data under the Data Protection Laws.  If you wish to exercise any of your rights, please contact us at

  • Right of access: You can request access to a copy of the personal data which we hold about you as well as details about why and how we use;
  • Right to rectification: You can ask us to change or complete any personal data we hold about you which is inaccurate or incomplete;
  • Right to be forgotten/erasure: You have a right, under certain circumstances, to ask us to delete any personal data we hold on you.  Please note that there may be situations where we must retain your personal data after a request for erasure where we have a lawful basis for doing so.
  • Right of restriction: You can ask us to restrict (ie: prevent) the processing of your personal data where you have objected to our use of it and we have no lawful basis to continue processing your personal data.
  • Right to data portability: In certain circumstances, you can ask us to transfer the data we hold about you to another.  This would be sent in a structured, commonly used, electronic form;
  • Right to object: You can object to us using your personal data for particular purposes; and
  • Automated decision making: You have a right not to be subjected to automated decision making and profiling in certain circumstances.

If you want to exercise any of these rights, please just contact us at

You also have the right to lodge a complaint about our processing with a supervisory authority – in the UK that is the ICO whose details are here

Automated decision making

We do not use your personal data in any automated processes to make decisions about you.

‍Data Sharing and Transfers

Like most companies, we use a number of other companies as part of our data processing, for example, cloud services and technology services. We have Data Processing Agreements in place with these providers. Where data is transferred outside of the UK and EEA, we ensure that appropriate protection and mechanisms are in place, for example, Standard Contractual Clauses or the UK’s International Data Transfer Addendum. We do not sell your data to anybody, and we do not share it with anyone other than our contracted processors.

What happens if PlanetK2 Group changes hands?

We may, from time to time, expand or reduce our business and this may involve the sale and/or transfer of control of all or part of our business.  Any personal data that you have provided will, where it is relevant to any part of our business that is being transferred, be transferred along with that part and the new owner or newly controlling party will, depending on the lawful basis, be permitted to use that data only for the same purposes for which it was originally collected by us.

In the event any of your data is to be transferred in such a manner, you will be contacted in advance and informed of the changes.


When you browse the website of one of our brands, we drop only essential cookies that make our site work without consent. When we drop analytics or tracking cookies, we do so only with your consent, gained via the cookie banner. You can withdraw your consent at any time. For more details on our cookies see the cookie banner on:

The cookie banner can be accessed by clicking on the cookie logo on the bottom left hand of the screen. 

Changes to our Privacy Notice

We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time (for example, if the law changes). We recommend that you check this page regularly to keep up-to-date. If we make any material changes to the manner in which we process and use your personal data, we will contact you to let you know about the change.

Tell me more

To see more about how we use your personal data, read the notice or notices which apply best to your relationship with us:

I am a potential Corporate Client

I am a Corporate Client

I am a Customer or subscriber of The Performance Room or Believe Perform

I am a potential employee of PlanetK2

I am an employee of PlanetK2

I am a speaker

I am an author

I am a vendor/supplier

I am a user of your website chatbot or a newsletter subscriber

Potential Corporate Client Privacy Notice

Data that we hold and how we use it

As a potential corporate client of PlanetK2 we hold your name, job title and corporate contact details so we can build a relationship with you. This data will have been sourced directly. For example, if you clicked on one of our adverts, if you signed up from our newsletter or attended an event. It may also have been sourced indirectly, for example from our mutual network, from your company website or a similar publicly available source such as Linkedin. We only hold your data if we legitimately think you will have an interest in using our services.

‍Lawful basis for processing

Our lawful basis for processing your data is a Legitimate Interest for marketing purposes. As you are a corporate entity, we also abide by the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR). We give you the chance to opt out of all marketing on anything that we send you. We only share details of our own goods and services in our marketing. If your data was not sourced directly from you, then we contact you once we have the data to let you know that we have your data and give you the chance to opt-out. Our legitimate interest balancing test indicates that this is a legitimate purpose: you would not be surprised to hear from us based on the nature of your job role, and our processing does not cause any harm or risk to you as a data subject.

‍Data Sharing and Transfers

Like most companies, we use a number of other companies as part of our data processing, for example, cloud services and technology services. We have Data Processing Agreements in place with these providers. Where data is transferred outside of the EEA, we ensure that appropriate protection and mechanisms are in place, for example, Standard Contractual Clauses. We do not sell your data to anybody, and we do not share it with anyone other than our contracted processors.

‍Retention Periods
We hold data on Potential Corporate Clients for as long as we think you are likely to be interested in our goods and services, or until the point at which you opt out of communications. At this point you are added to a suppression list so we do not contact you again. When you become a Corporate Client, then the privacy Notice for Corporate Clients will apply.

Corporate Client Privacy Notice

Data that we hold and how we use it

As a corporate client of PlanetK2 Group or our brands (including PlanetK2, The Performance Room, or Believe Perform), we hold the contact and payment details required to carry out our contract with you, manage our relationship and keep you up to date with changes and improvements to our services. This data would have been sourced from you directly.

‍Lawful basis for processing

‍Our lawful basis for processing your data is a combination of Contract and Legitimate Interest. We use legitimate interest when we use your data to keep you up to date with changes and improvements to our goods and services. Results of a legitimate interest balancing test indicate that this use is pursuing a legitimate interest, is necessary for the purpose of keeping you updated and growing our business, and unlikely to cause you risk or harm.  We use Contract when we use your data to fulfil our contract with you, for example billing, subscription processing and signing documents etc.

‍Retention Periods

‍We hold data on Corporate Clients for the length of time that you are a client of ours, then another 8 years in case of any dispute.

I am an individual Customer or subscriber of The Performance Room or Believe Perform

Data that we hold and how we use it

As a customer or subscriber of PlanetK2 Group or our brands (including PlanetK2, The Performance Room, or Believe Perform), we hold the contact and payment details, where required, necessary to carry out our contract with you.  We manage our relationship and, if applicable, your subscription and keep you up to date with changes and improvements to our services. This data would have been sourced from you directly.

‍Lawful basis for processing

Our lawful basis for processing your data is a combination of Contract and Legitimate Interest. We use legitimate interest when we use your data to keep you up to date with changes and improvements to our goods and services. Results of a legitimate interest balancing test indicate that this use is pursuing a legitimate interest, is necessary for the purpose of keeping you updated and growing our business, and unlikely to cause you risk or harm. If you did not opt-out to email marketing from us at the time of signing up to our services, you are welcome to unsubscribe at any time. We use contract when managing your subscription.

‍Retention Periods

‍We hold data on customers for the length of time that you are a client of ours, then another 8 years in case of any dispute.  If you unsubscribe from our email marketing list, your personal data will be held on a suppression list so that we can ensure we do not email you in error.

Potential Employee Privacy Notice

Data that we hold and how we use it

As a potential employee for PlanetK2 Group or our brands (including PlanetK2, The Performance Room, or Believe Perform), we hold the following information on you: Name, CV/Resume, Industry qualifications/experience, Salary expectations, Contact details.  We will also hold Interview notes, References, Educational background/qualifications, and Pre-employment check results. If you receive an offer letter from us, this will contain your salary, job role, start date, grade; benefits description and compensation.

‍Lawful basis for processing

Our lawful basis for processing your data is a combination of contract, legitimate interest, consent and legal obligation, depending on the process. On the whole, we are processing the data to create and maintain a relationship with you and test your suitability for the role. As the journey towards onboarding progresses, we are obliged by law to do certain checks, such as your eligibility to work in the UK. We use consent only to maintain your data in the event that the job you applied for is not ideal at the time and we want to stay in touch with you. You can withdraw consent at any time. 

The data we hold on you would have come directly from you. We do not carry out automated decision-making on your personal data.

‍Retention Periods

‍We hold data on potential employees for various periods, depending on the situation. If you are unsuccessful but we want to stay in touch, we will hold your data for a further 12 months, in case another role is suitable at that time. If you were not a good fit for the role and not shortlisted then your data is deleted as soon as it is no longer needed.

Employee Privacy Notice

If you are an employee of PlanetK2 Group or our brands (including PlanetK2, The Performance Room, or Believe Perform) please refer to the Fair Processing Notice that is stored in the Employee Handbook.

I am a speaker

Data that we hold and how we use it

If you are one of our speakers, we will hold your name and contact details, photos and recordings of your sessions.  This data would have been sourced from you directly.

Lawful basis for processing

Our lawful basis for processing your data is contract, as we will be processing your data to manage our relationship with you so that we can pay you.

Retention Period

We will keep your data for the length of time that it is relevant to our business,  unless you request for it to be removed.

I am an author

Data that we hold and how we use it

If you are one of our authors, we will process your name so that we can share articles you have written on our site.

Lawful basis for processing

Our lawful basis for processing your data is legitimate interest. Results of a legitimate interest balancing test indicate that this use is pursuing a legitimate interest, is necessary for the purpose of publishing your work, and unlikely to cause you risk or harm.  

Retention Period

We will keep your data for the length of time that it is relevant to our business,  unless you request for it to be removed.

I am a vendor/supplier

Data that we hold and how we use it

As a vendor, we hold the contact and payment details required to manage our relationship and pay you for the services you provide.  This data would have been sourced from you directly.

Lawful basis for processing

Our lawful basis for processing your data is contract as we will be processing your data to manage our relationship with you so that we can pay you.

Retention Period

We hold data on our Suppliers for the length of time that we are engaged together, then another 8 years in case of any dispute.

I am a user of your website chatbot or a newsletter subscriber

Data that we hold and how we use it

If you use the chatbot on our website we hold your email address, name, the location you contacted us from (via your IP address), and contents of any messages and data we exchange in the chatbot conversation. You have the option to opt into the newsletter through this route, so we also record whether you ticked that opt-in box. We source this data from you using the chatbot.

Lawful basis for processing

Our lawful basis for processing your data is a Legitimate Interest for assisting you with your enquiry and, if you sign up to the newsletter, to keep you up to date with changes and improvements to our goods and services. Our marketing contains unsubscribe links and you are welcome to unsubscribe at any time.

‍Data Sharing and Transfers

Like most companies, we use a number of other companies as part of our data processing, for example, cloud services and technology services. We have Data Processing Agreements in place with these providers. Where data is transferred outside of the EEA, we ensure that appropriate protection and mechanisms are in place, for example, Standard Contractual Clauses. We do not sell your data to anybody, and we do not share it with anyone other than our contracted processors.

Retention Period

We hold data from chatbot messages for 1yr unless you continue to engage with us.  If you unsubscribe from our newsletter/email marketing list, your personal data will be held on a suppression list so that we can ensure we do not email you in error.