
Training for frontline team members, managers and leaders

It's about helping people feel more ready to perform in the day to day
What is your approach when working with organisations?

We believe that your people need more than generic mental health training. Are they ready to perform in the conditions they regularly face?

Are your teams fit for purpose so that they are equipped with the appropriate resources to cope with the daily demands of work and life?

By recognising and appreciating the unique strengths and challenges of each team member, compassionate leaders inspire trust and loyalty, allowing individuals to flourish and contribute their best work.

How do you measure impact?

Not everything that counts can be counted. Before anything is measured we will agree a picture of success and focus on key measures that are relevant to needs of your people This will involve understanding what it is we want to measure and why. Measurement goes further than just numbers and will focus on how we want individuals, managers and teams to be thinking, feeling and behaving as a result of any support.

What outcomes can we expect?

Depending on your picture of success  there are a wide range of positive outcomes that you can expect to see. These include increased knowledge and confidence for your people in understanding their roles and responsibilities towards driving a culture of wellbeing. As well this we would expect to see managers who act, feel and think more confidently in the way they take care of themselves and the people they support.

As a result of working with your people we would also expect to see enhanced employee engagement and satisfaction, improved employee wellbeing, reduced burnout, increased collaboration and team cohesion, increased employee retention, improved team performance, enhanced employee development and growth, positive impact on organisational culture, and overall organisational success.

The sessions set us up for going into the busiest time at the company. We went from busy to extraordinarily busy. People had to manage their own headspace going into a big event and the sessions were aimed at helping them to cope better. The result was that we were prepared to do our best work