
One of the most discussed topics in sport at present is the doping scandal and corruption that has taken place widespread across athletics, resulting in many athletes losing confidence in the sport and the people that govern it. As more and more information comes out of the woodwork about the possibility of athletes taking performance […]


Weight loss is a major concern in most developed countries. With surveys showing that the majority of adults in the US are trying to lose or maintain weight (Freedman, King and Kennedy. 2012). Current fads and diets are constantly changing and it’s becoming more difficult for people to get a handle on what is right […]


We all know that nutrition helps the body complete the tasks we set for it, but does it also influence cognitive and psychological systems? Nutrition is an essential part of athletics, but the actual focus on athletic performance is rather narrow, focusing on the physical benefits and ignoring many other important sport-related aspects. This is […]


According to the American Dietetic Association, Dieticians of Canada and the American College of Sports Medicine (2000), only people who severely restrict their energy intake, use severe weight-loss practices, eliminate one or more food groups from their diet, consume high carbohydrate diets and low micronutrient density should require a form of dietary supplement. In addition […]


The Marathon is a 26 mile 385 yard long-distance running event and one of the ultimate challenges in sport. Endurance events that require extreme volumes of training, such as the Marathon, have seen an ever-increasing reliance on nutritional strategy.  Stellingwerff (2013) suggested that this explosion of marathon performance may be due to a “perfect storm” […]


Creatine – The ‘Bulk’ of the story Is it fortunate or unfortunate we are to have an array of supplements and training aids available to our fingertips, not under prescription form nutritionists and dieticians but just there with no need for displaying proof of age when purchasing and with a choice and variety so vast […]


Not so long ago I was asked by a friend of mine, who is an athlete as well as me and has been for most of his life, whether I would encourage my own children into the competitive world of athletics. After a lot of consideration there was an uncertainty over the answer, but more […]


Take a trip to any food retail store, find yourself in the health section and you are immediately struck by the vast quantity of available supplements all posing various remedies. Concerning the active person wishing to aid their recovery from exercise to enable them to work-out without the feeling of muscle weakness, lethargy, delayed onset […]