
1 in 4 of us will suffer with poor mental health at some point in our lives. Anxiety can affect around 16% of the British population at any one time with depression affecting around 1 in 10 adults. Anxiety and depression are generally controlled through medication and, for the fortunate who have reached the top […]


Scope’s argument (29/8/13 that the Paralympic legacy ‘hangs in the balance’ signifies a challenge to all interested in sport as therapeutic and sustaining influence in people’s lives. It had been hoped that the Paralympics would improve the lives of disabled people by changing attitudes and increasing participation in sport and the community. The survey […]


High self-esteem is a great thing to have, right? In sport and exercise, we think of self-esteem as vital in helping to maintain performance levels, as well as keeping up the motivation to push that little bit harder in the gym or while running on the soggy streets on a winter’s morning. We also think […]