
The above image is credited IPTL World Working in various youth sport environments and with several young athletes on an individual basis brings about numerous challenges in relation to athlete motivation and the motivational climate that is created by those supporting young athletes. The topics of this article are aimed at helping parents and […]


Motivational theories assumes an individual as an intentional, goal-directed organism who operates in rational manners (Roberts, Treasure & Conroy, 2007).  An individual participating in sports are consequently driven by motives related to winning (ego-orientation) and mastering of skills (task-orientation) (Roberts et al., 2007). These predisposed goal orientations affects an individuals`state of motivational-involvement in sport-context. An […]


Motivation is a significant influence during sporting activity. Within a sporting context motivational factors are imperative when an attempt to maintain standard is made. As a result, awareness towards sustainment of a performer’s motivation has become increasingly investigated in sport, both in participation and competition. In particular Deci and Ryan’s (1985) Self Determination Theory (SDT) […]