
Mental Health and the Whole Athlete  The mental health epidemic among adolescents has been causing us to really become aware of how to prevent these issues for the future generations. NYS having mandated mental health education and social emotional education among schools within the past year, brings us to a better place if handled effectively. […]


In this day and age, technology is everywhere we go. We carry it with us on a day to day basis and are glued to it when we leave work to go home. This is particularly prominent in the younger generation, which is affecting the health and wellbeing of our future prospects. This article will […]


One of the most discussed topics in sport at present is the doping scandal and corruption that has taken place widespread across athletics, resulting in many athletes losing confidence in the sport and the people that govern it. As more and more information comes out of the woodwork about the possibility of athletes taking performance […]


Already, in the UK today, the scale of Dementia presents a worrying statistic – so much so that George McNamara, head of policy at Alzhiemer’s Society, has described the condition as the biggest health challenge that the UK faces (The Guardian. 2015). Presently there are approximately 850,000 people suffering with the condition (Alzheimer’s Society. 2015. […]


The topic of frequent physical activity and, more importantly, a sedentary lifestyle dominate the media on a near-daily basis. Although many people feel they undertake enough physical activity to reap the subsequent health benefits, The British Heart Foundation (2012) discovered that less than 10% of men and women could correctly report the government’s guideline recommendations […]


Heat stress from the environment can be detrimental to sporting performance, challenging the limits of the human cardiovascular system, temperature regulation and altering body fluid balance (Samuel et al., 2010). Human temperature regulation is at the forefront of maintaining core body temperature and has the ability to do this over a narrow range even with […]


Stretching has long been standard practice in sport. Advocates of stretching claim that it helps reduce injury, improve performance, and aid recovery. However, a number of studies have shown that stretching doesn’t actually produce all the positive physiological effects that were once thought to be true. In fact, studies have shown that certain types of […]


Athlete preparation is a hugely diverse area with many different factors contributing to producing the best possible performance on any given occasion. It is the norm to see player preparation centred around the physiological aspect of performance, whether that is muscular or any other physiological aspect. Consequentially, a factor, which may often be overlooked, is […]


Whether you are an elite athlete or just someone looking to maintain their New Year’s Resolutions, motivation is relatively complex and extremely unique. There are multiple forms of motivation, each describing why someone does something, often unconsciously. Essentially it boils down to two main forms of motivation, which lie on a continuum. At one end […]


Although there might be a general relationship between our age and how efficient our brains are, what seems to matter more than our actual age is how healthy our brain is. So what can we do help our brain remain as healthy as possible as we get older? Exercise, particularly cardiovascular exercise, is one way. Common Stereotypes […]