
Typically when we see an elite athlete perform at their best we marvel in awe of the skills they display. When interviewed, these athletes will refer to the much sought after mental state of ‘being in the zone’. Well, what does ‘being in the zone’ actually mean? Generally people who are in the zone are […]


“Apparently you just run for an extended period of time”. So goes one of the famous quotes of the noughties on the topic of jogging (soft j, anyone?). Ron Burgundy had a clear disdain for such an activity. The activity could hardly have been less valued by him. And though a likely throwaway line in […]


When playing within a team sport having freedom and creativity are vital aspects of successful performance. This style can transform teams who are rigid and playing within their boundaries into fearless teams who are ambitious and have a desire to take calculated risks in pursuit of victory. Paralysis by Analysis We have all been in […]


Understanding the psychological components that help with optimal athletic performance is a key priority for applied sport psychology. One factor that has been examined since the 1980s is flow which defined by Cziksentmihalyi as “a state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter; the experience is so […]


This article will focus on the emerging practice of mindfulness within the sporting environment. An overview of what mindfulness is and how it can help athletes will be outlined. Some tools that athletes can use to practice being mindful also are provided. Studies that support the theory will also be explored and a conclusion will […]