What makes good teacher

When you think of your favourite teachers what sticks out most about their qualities and how they differed from others?

Perhaps they were able to connect with you because of their approach and making the subject they were teaching accessible and interesting.

Being able to hold the interest of a full class, deliver it and teach in a way that makes the topic memorable requires a combination of organisational and character skills that can be developed and shaped over time.

In this infographic the team outline the qualities required and answere what makes a good teacher.


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  • A teacher who ignites curiosity.
  • An organised teacher.
  • A teacher who is aware of their body language.
  • A teacher who engages students.
  • A teacher who motivates.
  • A teacher who inspires.
  • A teacher who is prepared.
  • A teacher who listens.
  • A teacher who believes in their students.
  • A teacher who is willing to keep learning.
  • A teacher who strives for improvement.
  • A good communicator with students and staff.
  • A teacher who encourages and helps.
  • A teacher who reflects on their performance.
  • A teacher who is fun.
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