Playing your part in building a mental health friendly environment

By taking part in open converstaions about mental health and destigmatising the subject you can show others that it’s okay to be struggling with mental health.

The more we discuss mental health the more it is accepted. It helps others to recognise symptoms and increases our collective understanding of mental health and how it can impact each of us differently.

We look at what you can do to increase awareness and how you can play your part in building a mental health friendly environment.

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  • Build mental health into regular conversations. For example talking openly about feelings, asking others how they are doing, treating people equally.
  • Show care, love and compassion for people who are experiencing a mental health problem. Be there for them.
  • Encourage others to seek help from appropriate support if they are struggling.
  • Ask the right questions. To help improve wellbeing it is important that we understand how people are feeling and how they are managing with their workload.
  • Apply daily mental skills to your performance. Breathing before a big meeting, challenging negative thoughts. You could even work through these with a colleague to help them.
  • Lead by example. Show others how you actively look after your physical and mental health. Live and breathe your culture.
  • Get the facts. Learn more about mental health problems (signs and symptoms).
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