
Before beginning this article I should probably provide some insight into the types of issues raised to me by coaches that provoked me to write it. “It’s just not clicking at the moment, for whatever reason we are just not on the same page. I don’t get him/her a lot of the time” “He/she is […]


The role of parents in the sporting development of young athletes has been a focus of research in sport psychology for decades. Academic research and applied work has been transformed into books, manuals, pamphlets, websites and videos to provide a source of accessible information to parents based around understanding and enhancing their child’s experience in […]


Imagery is the ability to use all the senses to create or recreate an experience in the mind. Thus, imagery is a sensory experience that occurs in the mind without environmental props. Imagery research in sport dates back to 1930 when the technique was used to enhance physical practice and to prepare an athlete mentally […]


Within sport we want to teach players transferable skills that they can use in all areas of life. We want to teach players social and psychological skills that can help them to thrive in not only sport but also in different environments. We want to develop players who can cope with adversity, manage stress, become […]


Managing personal relationships can be enhanced through emotional intelligence. Evidence suggests that people with higher levels of emotional intelligence lead more successful careers and nurture better relationships than those with low emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is defined as, ‘the ability to understand emotions of own and that of others. It is the ability to regulate […]


Weight loss is a major concern in most developed countries. With surveys showing that the majority of adults in the US are trying to lose or maintain weight (Freedman, King and Kennedy. 2012). Current fads and diets are constantly changing and it’s becoming more difficult for people to get a handle on what is right […]


I dislike how we use the word ‘talent’. A quick google of the word ‘talent’ provides the following definition: natural aptitude or skill. Despite this rather narrow definition, I feel ‘talent’ is too often given as the independent reason and cause to explain how people reach elite performance in sport. I would instead argue that […]